How to Divide Two Variables in Bash Scripting
Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks on Linux and Unix-like systems. Understanding how to correctly divide two variables can help in resource allocation, data processing, and more.
Contexts in Go: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn how to effectively use contexts in Go for managing execution time, task cancellation, passing data between goroutines, and more.
How to Create a Python Executable File With PyInstaller
You’ve spent the time creating a Python app that you want to make use of or you want to distribute it to people who could benefit from its awesomeness.
How to Use Callback Functions in JavaScript
A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after the completion of some operations.This mechanism allows JavaScript to perform tasks like reading files, making HTTP requests, or waiting for user input without blocking the execution of the program
Inline conditionals in CSS, now?
The CSS WG resolved to add if() to CSS, but that won’t be in browsers for a while. What are our options in the meantime?
Why are senior developers learning low-code and AI tools?
On this week's episode of the podcast, freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews Adrian Twarog. He's a Software Engineer who started his career by working as the office IT guy at a school and other offices for 10 years
Automatic Query Invalidation after Mutations
Queries and Mutations are two sides of the same coin. A Query defines an asynchronous resource for reading, which often comes from data fetching. A Mutation on the other hand is an action to update such a resource.
JavaScript Framework Maintainers on Unification Potential
Frontend frameworks have been marching toward the same capabilites, such as using Signals. Could it lead to one framework to rule them all?
5 tips for CLEAN Python code
It's easier to get into good habits than it is to break out of bad ones. In this video I give you my 5 top tips to keep your code as clean as possible -- just make sure you stick to the good habits!
30 Non-Trivial Ways for Developers to Use GPT-4
A roundup of how developers are deploying OpenAI's GPT-4 for programming, plus The New Stack checks in with ChatGPT for its advice.
Why We Need a Standard JavaScript ORM for SQL Databases
Is Drizzle ORM the open source, SQL-friendly tool that JavaScript developers have been looking for to help with type safety?
Java inheritance vs. composition: How to choose
Compare inheritance and composition, the two fundamental ways to relate Java classes, then practice debugging ClassCastExceptions in Java inheritance.